Everybody hates Nickelback, you’re allowed to. But only old people hate Greta Van Fleet.
When it comes to Rock N Roll, never trust anyone over 40.
40 is the new 30. Yippie Jerry Rubin said it first over 50 years ago, “Never Trust Anyone Over 30”.
Old rockers are forever marred by boring old ways, boring old albums and boring dead rock stars.
Old rockers endlessly complain about “back in the day” and “so and so did it better” or “so and so did it first”.
Blah blah blah blah.
Ok Karen.
Ok boomer.
Greta swing. It don’t mean a thing if it don’t.
Greta got chops.
Greta got grooves.
Greta Van Fleet Rock.
Don’t Believe The Hate.