An American in Paris? Not quite. Nick Wheeldon, the Parisian Englishman from Sheffield, England, recorded his third solo album, Waiting For The Piano To Fall live on a Tascam 388, 8-track tape recorder, during a week-long session in the countryside of Normandy, France. His band, The Living Paintings, Nico Brusq (drums), Stéphane Jach (violin), Luc Martin (bass), Sam Roux (piano/keyboards) and Paul Trigoulet (lead guitar) had never played together prior to recording the album and had no time to rehearse before setting upon Télémaque studio in Caen. The spontaneity that ensued is electrifyingly tangible. Without question, the resulting album is the finest of the year so far.



Nick Wheeldon & The Living Paintings are currently on tour sharing the record with the world.



New single Waiting For The Piano To Fall is out now on Le Pop Club Records.






